
A mostrar mensagens de 2010


Calma... Não estou maluco, nem me deu agora para ter uma tara sobre objectos fálicos na natureza. Trata-se apenas de uma "piquena" prenda de Natal que todos os Gloriosos podem oferecer a todos os Elmanos, Domingos, Xistras e ressabiados do nosso futebol. Também podem enfeitá-lo, embelezá-lo, iluminá-lo ou ataviá-lo como mais vos aprouver e oferecê-lo a um qualquer avençado, como sinal do vosso apreço pelos rios de asneiras e textos sabujos que hoje se podem ler nos nossos pasquins desportivos. Também quero oferecer este presente de forma sentida a todos aqueles que podendo ter ido ao jogo apoiar o maior de Portugal, não o fizeram porque preferiram ficar com os tim-tims na cama, ou porque sentiram uma inesperada vontade de fazer croché enquanto viam o resumo do Setúbal-Sporting de Sábado, ou ainda porque gostam de se torturar a ver e comentar até à exaustão a repetição do penalty do último minuto do Porto-Setúbal. Ide mazé ter filhos pela barriga das pernas para saberem o que ...


Em vez de efectuar uma reflexão sobre as medidas que o governo estabeleceu para combater a pressão dos mercados sobre os juros da dívida pública deixo aqui alguns pensamentos importantes: Outro dia estava a visionar um programa na televisão designado corredor do poder. Falavam dois jovens do PCP e do Bloco de Esquerda talvez com os seus 35 anos com os mesmo vícios dos demais. Na realidade não hão renovação na classe política. Não esperem algo de novo por aqui. Há 10 anos atrás sobrava-me dinheiro ao ponto de poder gastar e comprar. Neste momento não compreendo porque cada vez mais é difícil poupar. Se sair o Euromilhões a um cidadão Português que deu uma entrevista na TVI irá deixar de cumprir horários e passar a "amostar". Este tipo de mentalidade demonstra o mau exemplo que o Estado deixou na sociedade. Hoje foi almoçar com dois empresários que me diziam que estavam fartos de trabalhar e cada vez mais ter de pagar mais impostos e lidar com pessoas que não querem trabal...

Do you control process scenarios costs?

Usually people that participates in process design, know that it comes a time to propose process changes to someone in the company. Process team meets and prepares a presentation which summarizes the problems, solutions proposed, benefits, return on investment, etc.. This is a collaborative process that in some companies is presented to the C level for discussion and formal approval of TO-BE process. In general we know that such presentations indirectly evaluate people's work, so there is a special preparation for this purpose. In these situations some weak process teams tends to increase the detail and execute an endless revision process of the presentation content, thus document drafting becomes high inefficiency process, which is contrary to the spirit of the challenge. Last week I returned to go through a situation that has not happened to me for some time. The team took two days to prepare a presentation of 6 pages summarizing improvement opportunities of a purchasing ...

Só para não deixar arrefecer o corpo...

Ó Queiróz! "Inda" não te foste embora? Olha que depois do que o Pedro escreveu e dado o teu inédito silêncio, nós Portugueses que não recebemos prémios chorudos por nada fazermos pensávamos que já terias emigrado pró Dubai ou coisa que o valha... Confiram aqui esta pérola. Lindo! Ganda Pedro Barroso!

Buying train tickets. A process improvement opportunity

Some years ago CP has introduced an innovation in customer services through the provision of electronic tickets. The sale of train tickets still proceeds in a similar way to bus tickets purchase. People usually arrive at the station around the time of departure, buy a ticket and board. The trains running between Oporto and Lisbon (the two main Portuguese cities) do not always have tickets availability when train departs, which require in the past purchasing the ticket at the station in advance, causing inconvenience. Before this service was introduced, it was possible to buy tickets at ATMs, however there were some operational restrictions between systems integration that were causing disturbances in operation. With the adoption of electronic tickets, the flow of passengers at stations decreases and therefore can reduce staff. The process of issuing an electronic ticket is simple, intuitive and fast. On the other hand, when there are strikes or maintenance work on railway line...


Os primos da cidade foram passar o Natal com os parentes alentejanos. Alguns dias após o Natal, estava o primo da cidade a fazer alarde dos presentes que tinha ganho. - Primo, viste o que eu ganhei de presente? Um 'Ipod' espectacular e ainda por cima da melhor marca do mercado! O primo alentejano respondeu: - Bom primo, muito bom!!! Mesmo muito bom... Aí o da cidade perguntou: E o que foi que tu ganhaste? - Ganhei o mesmo que tu. - Mas, quem te deu? - A minha prima, tua irmã... - Foi mesmo? - Foi. Estávamos no ribeiro nadando nus. Cheguei por trás, encostei-me a ela e perguntei: - Posso? Ela virou-se e disse: - "Aí Pode!". É bom demais primo! Agora, se tem marca, não sei... nós no Alentejo chamamos-lhe "CÚ"!

The Grimi Reaper!!!

LOLOLOLOLOLOL Topem só a cara do árbitro... :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Let me try the economic subject also... :D

Loan sharking... Heads or tails? Remembering the old days... PS: Recebi isto por mail. Achei engraçado e merecedor de um post no Antiamba. Apesar de não ter sido capaz de identificar o seu autor... Prometo não me esticar mais neste assunto até porque reconheço a minha incapacidade para rivalizar com as "postas" mais técnicas do Ligurio... "If you can't make fun at life, life won't be funny at all" (don't now who said this but i bet it wasn't Confucio...)

Gladiadores em Wimbledon

Ontem estava a fazer um zap na televisão quando me deparei com um facto insólito. Tratava-se de um jogo de ténis da segunda ronda do torneio de Wimbledon entre Nicolas Mahut e John Isner. Quando olhei para o marcador estava 44-44. Era o quinto set. Pensei que se tratava de um tie-break e fiquei a ver. John Isner - Fonte Em Wimbledon no quinto set não há tie-breaks. Para o jogador ganhar o set e o jogo tem de ganhar por dois jogos de diferença. É uma regra especifica dos ingleses. Quando me recordei da regra constatei que aqueles jogadores deviam estar ali a jogar durante todo o dia. Voltei a olhar para o marcador e a duração do jogo estava nas oito horas. Nicolas Mahut - Fonte Soube mais tarde que o jogo se tinha iniciado no dia anterior. Fiquei ali a olhar para aqueles dois. Exaustos, lá iam ganhando os jogos à custa de ases e winners, colocando o adversário fora de jogo, porque já não havia força física para chegar às bolas....


Lá longe... Ao cair da tarde Vejo nuvens de oiro que são os teus cabelos... Lá longe... Ao cair da tarde Vejo nuvens de oiro Que são os teus cabelos... Fico mudo ao vê-los... São o meu tesoiro, Lá longe... Ao cair da tarde. Lá longe... Ao cair da tarde Quando uma saudade, Se esvai ao sol poente... Lá longe... Ao cair da tarde Quando uma saudade, Se esvai ao sol poente... Como canção dolente... de uma mocidade, Lá longe... Ao cair da tarde.

Skepticism about the ontology construction

I understand the point some people argue that on the different views, we individuals, can structure on different abstractions: organizations, processes and their relationships, thus this can leads that my ontology is better, or worst or different from yours leading to different conceptions of business reality. To prevent this from happening it's necessary to implement a dynamic ontologies management that interacts with enterprise systems where the knowledge resides - artefacts (entities if you want) used or produced by an enterprise, now these artefacts related to business processes must be managed automatically. Indeed ontologies management cannot be a static, like a photograph that was taken to represent the company context at a given time, on the contrary, must be dynamically updated as storage of new process models, update, retrieval or deletion of existing process models where all the entities connect. If you think that when structuring business processes you need to ide...

Semantic Business Process Management – Part one

This is the mirror post in Redux online but with Portuguese translation. 1. Introduction:   The interest to write this series of articles was triggered last year when Google failed to introduce one of it's social products: The Google Wave . When it was released in mid- 2009, was considered a threat to Facebook, because it had enhanced features like attach files, and other content. I thought that more than a threat it could be a tool able to be used in the business world for collaboration in business process orchestration. Curiously few months after Google announcement (in October 2009) SAP introduced a prototype where showed the integration of Google Wave in a product called Gravity   . Later, in February of 2010 that prototype evolved for a product called Streamwork . Other companies followed the same steps with other approach: IBM released IBM Blue Works     ; ARIS already had released the ARIS ALIGN   and others followed. Gartner introduced the ...

The BPMS contradiction

Case Management are the first breach in BPM systems. It can lead several systems for manage the business processes. Want structured? Infinitely repeatable? Buy BPMS. Want AD-HOC process capability? Buy other tool. This is the ultimate contradiction since BPMS arose in the market. Most case management marketing managers are telling the wrong story, because actually you can build a case management process in a standard BPMS. For example: just add infinite loops in each process state before moving to the next one capable of interacting and catching information with colleges, partners, external stakeholders, whatever. Make possible to go forward and backward in every state. Simply remember petri nets rules and you can do it. It's pure mathematics. The thing is it can take more time do it in a standard BPMS rather in a case management tool.

Activity analysis check list

In my previous post I expanded the concept of activity dimension analysis. This post is a little detour on my next couple of posts which will only look to ontology management applied to BPM. Nevertheless considered important taking into account new types of processes such as case management or AD-HOC process. The Activities are structured tasks that produce a result for a determined entity. The activities are next-to-last level of process representation (the last level is task level that composes activities). Without its comprehension we do not understand how business processes work. For process knowledge and understanding, structure it, implement it, control it and improvement it, is critic to perform an activities analysis using the dimensions indicated bellow. Another important aspect is that the analysis approach used. It should be through a combination of process walkthrough, information coming from managers and participants and with static analysis using a process map. ...

Activity analysis

How long you don't look to activities in accordance with this perspective? Have you thought about the gaps lately? Where are your improvement opportunities? Your BPMS system allows this kind of analysis, or is just a repository of useless data stored in a database? Have you ever thought in Semantic BPM ? Something that can understand natural language and convert to what you are looking for somewhere lost in a database table using ontology management ? Did you know that most of the process improvement opportunities can't be identified using process maps? If anyone is trying to convince otherwise is telling you a very big lie! Wakeup More to come soon...

Case Management the Race is On

In this article posted by Keith Swenson is argued that BPM is one thing, Case Management is other thing, because: What drives BPM is:" is defined as a way of defining a process, and maintaining it over time.", and, Case management is driven by: "useful for collaborative, dynamic, and information-intensive processes which requires incremental and progressive responses from the case handler to determine actions". I say this may lead people to wrong concepts. I think the issue here is not the definition: what is BPM what CM is. I consider it’s important to define things, otherwise business people, process people will misinterpret the idea and at the end hurt is done. The issue here is that BPM continues to be and it will be the philosophy to manage business processes. Some are structured with more or less flowcharts and documents (some structured processes don’t need documents and charts at all regarding people qualification to perform the tasks!) a...

BEDL - Data 4 BPM do we need it?

This a mirror of my first post in Redux online. IBM recently launched the proposal for a new business processes notation called BEDL - Business Entity Definition Language. To access IBM’S documents follow this link: According to the team that developed the concept: “in most suites of tools for managing business process, data is treated mostly as an afterthought. The activities and their flows are the main abstractions and the data handled by the processes are essentially the hidden variables. The presentation and aggregation of data are treated outside the process definition and implemented through generic service calls. This unique approach of the process ignores the important data perspective during the analysis of business operation”. When I started reading the article I’ve got caught by the idea of developing a standard that would help implement business processes in BPMS, represen...

AntiAmba in Redux Style

This is just to let you know that from today, I became a guest blogger in Redux online. Redux is a leading BPM blog that encourages people to share ideas among the BPM community. I’m very proud of sharing my contributions inside Redux. If you’re interested check AntiAmba Redux link . Thank you Theo for the invitation.

30 years

30 years passed since last IMF visit. Seems this time Portugal doesn't need another bailout, because Portuguese government corrected the problem. Only. It did not implement corrective actions to eliminate the cause of Portuguese debt. If Portuguese Prime-Minister drawn a concept map like the one bellow that represents the Afghanistan stability, maybe it could figure it out how to do it (this map is some kind a joke of the lack of Pentagon's understating of Afghanistan situation).   

BPMN can bring death to your process data

Some days ago I took a ride in IBM's Lombardi Blueprint another on-line tool that let's you discover, design and document business processes and share process knowledge among your team and peers. Very aligned what today is called collaborative process management or social BPM. In this article I don't analyse Lombardi's tool regardless I liked the way data is structured, clear, specially for non bpm experts that need to participate in process mapping and analysis, allow simple documentation (yet sufficient) with some automation provided, there is also risk analysis - very basic, probably useless. Anyway, the core feature is the capability to introduce on-line collaboration that runs smoothly. The thing is the suite have a built in feature that can import Visio process diagrams designed using BPMN notation, meaning that you don't have to construct process diagrams all over again. Lombardi announce, or suggests, users to get rid of Visio and start using Blueprint...

Let we forget

Some interesting debate about Process Modeling : Doing by Design, from Gartner's Jim Sinur. My thoughts about it: I don't agree with Keith when he says that "BPM is synonymous with BPMN graphical notation". Many people continue not to understand what BPMN is all about. Geeks say it's mandatory to execute BPEL in order to authoring BPM processes inside a BPMS suite, but as I far my experience goes I never saw any BPM suite doing it magically without a lot of hard code work. On the other hand, I see BPMN as a door to process oblivion, once people start using it incorrectly, I mean with all the stuff,and complex symbols attached (please don't read 2.0 draft, because it is more and more complex). By the way, I tested IBM's Lombardy that can't import true BPMN diagrams. This means that BPMN never become a standard at all. When designing something new, I prefer to use storyboards. I assemble a team with process facilitators, process team and end user...

Enterprise Architectures

Enterprise Architectures at it's best (or worst). I like this image very much. Source:

Concept Maps

This year I rediscovered concept maps. I remember using it 10 years ago when I started working on BPM projects. I don't know why but I stop using it, maybe because BPMS promised a lot of tools to architect  Business Processes. Figured out that some key points are always missed if you start diagramming immediately processes.   This map was created using a simple free tool from called CMapTools

Impunidade? Só em Portugal...

Nem mais! Leiam abaixo: João Querido Manha: O incrível Guerrero in record Se Hamburgo fosse Portugal, o jogador Paolo Guerrero já sabia que iria sofrer uma suspensão da Liga entre 1 a 4 jogos, por ter atirado com uma garrafa de água a um espectador, mesmo à entrada do túnel do seu estádio. Com parecer jurídico de algum catedrático, talvez lhe conseguissem reduzir a suspensão, considerando que foi provocado de forma acintosa e inaceitável pelo público agredido. Porque, pela luso-jurisprudência desportiva, quem levar provocações para casa não é filho de gente fina. Embora não restem dúvidas que, apesar da barreira de "stewards" à entrada do túnel, foi à cabeça de um elemento do público que ele fez pontaria, o problema de Guerrero é Hamburgo situar-se no Norte da Alemanha e pertencer à Bundesliga, o mais sério, competitivo e transparente campeonato nacional de futebol. Por enquanto, não se conhece o castigo a aplicar-lhe pela Bundesliga, mas não deixará de servir de azimute aos...

Para reflectir...

Porque pelos vistos continua actual, porque as manobras no CJ da FPF continuam a existir, porque a desfaçatez de quem polui o nosso futebol lhe permite manter o "status quo" adquirido, recupero hoje um pequeno texto que escrevi acerca dos casos Apito Final e Apito Dourado, e em que relato uma história burlesca que se passou há algum tempo e que teve honras de abertura de jornais televisivos e 1.ªs páginas em quase todos os jornais diários publicados no nosso país. Trata-se de um texto de humor. Uma sátira aos feudos e senhores feudais que ainda existem no nosso futebol. Mas vamos à história porque isso é que interessa: 1. As escutas. Ora bem, a discussão acerca da admissão ou não das escutas prende-se pura e simplesmente com o facto de as mesmas não serem admissíveis para crimes com moldura penal inferior a 3 anos. Isto daria total razão aos defensores da nulidade das mesmas não fosse o facto, pelos vistos insignificante pois tem sido ignorado pela maioria dos ...