
A mostrar mensagens de novembro, 2009

Pattern Based Strategies

This is a new trend in BPM. It can help companies to prevent business losses. Follow this link to Gartner blog: I was discussing this with some colleagues and it occurred to us that in shared services there is a financial group that has a habit of cross information on worldwide economic performance and the markets where we sell products. This group make predictions and often makes recommendations, some of them are translated into financial rules. Two years ago, they told reduce working capital and watch it very closely. What we know is that this work is executed manually by merging data. The internal data comes from our systems, external data, is obtained analysing reports of the European Central Bank. In the futurethere will be automation of the analytical function, so much more advanced than, say, what wallmart is doing today detecting changes in consumption patterns and thus prevent lo...

Green savings with BPM and EA

Forget this article: Here is my point of view: I remember 15 years ago when working in refrigerators industry the possibility that the appliance could be integrated with supermarkets, manage orders, order products online and so on. I saw the emergence of prototypes with integrated screens and internet connection. But then people did not want that. During all these years analysts advocated paper consumption will decrease with the emergence of communication tools like e-mail. The reality is quite the opposite. People still do not lose the habit of printing e-mails. I know quite a lot o people that print forms from BPM systems. I think as a BPM mentor for 10 years, BPM philosophy serves among other things to identify risks in business processes and ensure that management can overcome it changing and improving business processes. BPM as a discipline, integrated with strategic management used for example in road transport business can help ...
Meus amigos, hoje a história tem novamente contornos futebolísticos. E como se trata de uma história de infortúnios, tentarei tratá-la com a seriedade que a actual situação Sportinguista me permite. Passemos aos factos. O site Sportinguista "" tem em grande destaque a seguinte sondagem: Votação Pergunta: Que treinador gostariam de ver no Sporting? Colocando depois as seguintes opções aos possíveis votantes: André Villas Boas Otto Rehhagel Manuel Machado Zico Luciano Spalletti Le Guen Pekerman Manuel José Alberto Zaccheroni Martin Jol Manuel Cajuda Co Adriaanse Manuel Fernandes Scolari Michael Laudrup Domingos Slaven Bilic Marcelo Bielsa Eu, que sou um “ganda” chato, diria que não vejo aqui nesta lista o nome de Carlos Carvalhal... Vocês conseguem encontrá-lo? Isso! Vamos fazer aqui um passatempo tipo "onde está o Wally?". Só que em vez de Wally vamos usar Carvalhal... Então fica a aqui a pergunta: "Onde está o Carvalhal?" Resposta: .... h...

How to lose customers - it's the process stupid!

I bought a new phone. The moment I tried to configure the mailbox a series of errors occurred. I contacted technical support who informed me that should get an additional data service (at an additional cost) in order to use the mailbox, widgets, etc.. The operator never mentioned that it was necessary to buy it when I first bought the phone. I contacted technical support and asked the cost of the data service. They told me for commercial information proposes I should call the customer support (back to the era of silos) and they would activate the service. Displeased, contacted customer support that told me the cost and proceeded to activate it. Also informed me that the process would be completed within 48 hours (first question: why so long to process this request if the service is automatically debited from the customer's account and therefore, if the client does not have money, automatically the service is not activated). Past 48 hours, I found that the service was not active. Co...

Somos Funcionários Públicos!

Olá cambada! Para que não digam que apenas escrevo acerca de futebol e pegando um pouco na linha mais séria do meu ilustre companheiro e "blogueiro" Ligurio, com os seus pertinentes e sempre actuais textos acerca dos nossos funcionários públicos, aqui vos deixo uma descoberta que fiz no U tuebe... Trata-se de uma pérola da canção Portuguesa que opto por hoje divulgar, pois é de fazer corar de inveja um qualquer Zé Cabra. Louve-se o esforço e a lata deste grupo de funcionários da Câmara Municipal de Portimão, gente séria com certeza, mas que neste caso me fizeram dar umas boas gargalhadas dadas as suas óbvias excelentes aptidões para a prática do cante... Que continuem, pois quem canta seus males espanta. Ou seja, a cantar assim, pelo menos existe a possibilidade de os transferir para quem nos ouve... :)

Sistema de Avaliação de Professores

Numa altura em que se volta a debater o modelo de avaliação de professores, vale a pena ler este artigo sobre o que se está a fazer nos Estados Unidos sobre o assunto. Designadamente o facto dos professores poderem receber um prémio de desempenho quando os resultados dos exames dos seus alunos melhorem.