Greener Electronics
Já se encontra disponível o último relatório sobre a avaliação de desempenho ambiental dos fabricantes de dispositivos electrónicos.
A Nokia a quem os americanos designam como fabricante de banana phones lidera o estudo.
Curiosamente algumas das mais importantes companhias norte-americanas aparecem no fim. Aparentemente continuam a não compreender a importância da integração dos riscos ambientais na gestão estratégica empresarial.
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Ranking criteria explained
As of the 8th edition of the Guide to Greener Electronics, Greenpeace scores electronics brands on a tightened set of chemicals and e-waste criteria, (which include new criteria) and on new energy criteria.
The ranking criteria reflect the demands of the Toxic Tech campaign to
electronics companies. Our two demands are that companies should:
(1) clean up their products by eliminating hazardous substances; and
(2) take-back and recycle their products responsibly once they become
The two issues are connected: the use of harmful chemicals in electronic
products prevents their safe recycling once the products are discarded.
Given the increasing evidence of climate change and the urgency of
addressing this issue, Greenpeace has added new energy criteria to
encourage electronics companies to:
(3) improve their corporate policies and practices with respect to Climate
and Energy
A Nokia a quem os americanos designam como fabricante de banana phones lidera o estudo.
Curiosamente algumas das mais importantes companhias norte-americanas aparecem no fim. Aparentemente continuam a não compreender a importância da integração dos riscos ambientais na gestão estratégica empresarial.
Mais informações em:
Ranking criteria explained
As of the 8th edition of the Guide to Greener Electronics, Greenpeace scores electronics brands on a tightened set of chemicals and e-waste criteria, (which include new criteria) and on new energy criteria.
The ranking criteria reflect the demands of the Toxic Tech campaign to
electronics companies. Our two demands are that companies should:
(1) clean up their products by eliminating hazardous substances; and
(2) take-back and recycle their products responsibly once they become
The two issues are connected: the use of harmful chemicals in electronic
products prevents their safe recycling once the products are discarded.
Given the increasing evidence of climate change and the urgency of
addressing this issue, Greenpeace has added new energy criteria to
encourage electronics companies to:
(3) improve their corporate policies and practices with respect to Climate
and Energy