Fishbone Warehouse

Post colocado em grupo de discussão sobre a revolução de estruturação de armazéns:

I was deeply influenced by Mr. Michael Hammer work, sometimes it’s better to build things using a brown paper and break the rules.I’ve successfully implemented a new warehouse layout using the fishbone theory.
I discovered this site from Kevin Gue which is developing work regarding warehouse layouts. Many think that some theories and mature and it’s useless improving it. But this is ground breaking.As Mr. Kevin says – “We build models for the distance to travel between locations in a fishbone warehouse and combine those models with previous work to show the expected distance to execute a dual-command cycle. We then compare that expected distance with equivalent traditional warehouse designs (both with and without a middle cross aisle), and show that a properly designed fishbone warehouse confers a benefit of 10-15 percent.


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assunto na ordem do dia - o armazenamento - nomeadamente da que não se consegue vender - stocks de carros... e outros...

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