
A mostrar mensagens de 2011

An entrepreneur journey

Just came from an extraordinary journey at the Italian Venture Forum (it's my 5th this year). I did not won or get an award, but I would like like to share some thoughts:   In one year or two, maximum, your idea must be in the market up an running. The exit strategy must be a merger or a sell out. Stock market is crazy. Don't go for a IPO because no one trust in you anymore (maybe in the next 10 years). Improve visibility. Don't use a business plan. Business plan are old stuff and are never updated. Use a good power point presentation. A team that is not complete or lacks important business functions it will be difficult to go anywhere. Venture Capitalists (VC) give a lot of importance to this item. Never give up. It can take more than one year to get fund raising. Sometimes you are trying to get money from VC that do not invest in your industry sector or the stage you are (seed, early stage, go to the market, etc). Restart only if repeatedly you hear your business i...


Despite the fact I share some of  Steve Jobs's management philosophy: look to the details; make something wonderful; offer a product the customer is willing for but I never asked for it; it never took me to buy a single product from Apple. This does not mean Apple products are bad, but the ideas underneath the product concept were far beyond our imagination and must be respected and remembered.

Germany will control you

Minister Philipp Roesler told on press conference this week EU should put in place new instruments to assure troubled countries to comply with financial EU requirements. One of them is a stability council. A EU body with the aim to help troubled countries comply with EU common policies . During it's mandate, countries loose sovereignty and it should handed over to this council. The other one is countries stress tests. If a country fail to pass the tests there should be consequences. It's curious no one asked this men to resign. Is this the beginning of the fourth Reich?

God save the Queen

No seguimento dos graves tumultos em Inglaterra da semana passada, não cheguei a ouvir uma única palavra  da Rainha. Para que serve afinal a monarquia?

A carta de Intenções do FMI

 Does the next Portuguese government will meet the conditions it signed with the troika? Groucho Marx: Now pay particular attention to this first clause, because it's most important. There's the party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part. How do you like that, that's pretty neat eh? Chico Marx: No, that's no good. Groucho Marx: What's the matter with it? Chico Marx: I don't know, let's hear it again. Groucho Marx: So the party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part. Chico Marx: Well it sounds a little better this time. Groucho Marx: Well, it grows on you. Would you like to hear it once more? Chico Marx: Just the first part. Groucho Marx: What do you mean, the party of the first part? Chico Marx: No, the first part of the party, of the first part. Groucho Marx: All right. It says the first part of the party of the first part shall be known in this ...

The death of Sócrates


Ensaio sobre Portugal à rasca

No dia 12 de Março de 2011, uma manifestação organizada por três jovens através das redes sociais teve uma adesão histórica por parte da população, fazendo lembrar a manifestação da maioria silenciosa em 1974 após o 25 de Abril. Segundo dados não oficiais estiveram presentes 200.000 pessoas em Lisboa e 80.000 no Porto. Independentemente dos números, quem teve oportunidade de lá estar ou assistir às imagens das transmissões televisivas pode constatar que a massa humana ultrapassava em muito as tradicionais manifestações dos sindicatos, um sinal claro da população sente que esta entregue a si própria depois da classe politica a seguir à revolução do 25 de Abril, não ter conseguido proporcionar um conceito de sociedade ao nosso país. Os motivos que originaram a realização da manifestação estão relacionados com a precariedade do mercado de trabalho que os jovens enfrentam e com a falta de oportunidade para o exercício de uma profissão. Contudo muito mais pess...

FMI Mockup

A recente falta de açúcar no período Natal serviu para testar a reacção da população a um cenário de crise extrema. Não acredita? É melhor acreditar.