What is the process mapping notation you use most and what you consider most appropriate?
With the advent of BPMN and integration in BPM suites I’ve seen a lot of discussion about the best standard for process mapping. Vendors (except ARIS that supports EPC) have embed BPMN and BPEL for obvious reasons once it provides automatic process automation. BPMN was presented as the process standard of the future because for the first time it could represent the participants in the processes, tasks, events and information flow. However, and contrary to process management methods that converged to the same concepts (Discovery, Analysis, Implementation, Monitoring and Improvement), the business process representation reached near chaos. Companies that began their efforts in managing business processes in the last 10 years, used different trends, various notations and as result now is somewhat very mixed up. Process participants use process documentation or process representation pictured that tastes different. Some people understand task sequence and business rules that could cause ba...