Momento da verdade

O recente post criou muito desagrado ao Guru Steve Towers. vejam as mensagens de apoio ao post que aqui foi reproduzido no BP Group do Linked In.
Johan Telen told:

Hi folks, good exchange! Here are my thought: I intend to agree with Alberto here. We've seen dramatic improvements in some transactional core process we focus on (in drug development area) and yes the thing everyone recognizes are the detailed flow charts. And yes they do have value, without them it would not have happened. But an even bigger contributor to that success was the relentless chasing and follow up of people; making sure they understood each other, all knew what was ment by that flow chart and what it ment for them. In my experience it therefore boils down to the fact that for real break through sustained results you need all of the above: proces management, project management, change management and improvement tools which depending the case are six sigma, lean, design for x, or more likely a combination of them. All of this of course only works with real management support, not lip service. Therefore in my opinion we should not throw away our belts, rather ensure that the belts have a broad enough view on the world and not only focus on some particular tools they happen to like or know best and ensure real management commitment by aligning the efforts with the strategy

Peter Piotr Plenkiewicz,, told:
agree with Alberto as well. Process Improvement Initiative should not be a stand alone innovation in an organization. It should be synchronized with development of other strategic areas so the ceiling will move higher and initial gains from process improvement will be amplified. On the other hand, many people use wrong tools to solve their problems or wrong problems all together and rush to blame the tool, obviously. As far as long term destination for Lean Six Sigma is concerned it will most likely follow the S-curved life cycle of typical innovations and eventually it will be replaced by something newer, better. As far as short term is concerned, I am just warming up and I am not ready yet to throw my belt away. It is still plenty to do. Just look around.
Steve Towers , told:
Reference Alberto's comment I have updated the article he references at and here's an abstract: I would respond that it is precisely because companies such as Motorola's have a fixation on 'doing things right' rather the focus on 'doing the right things' is at the root of their failure. Six Sigma and Lean are both culpable in causing organisations to encourage efficiency of potentially dumb work, despite the potential clear disconnect between that work and delivering good product and service. The Fourth Wave of Process Management (see Article published in November 2007) shows an evolution with guys like GE's new CEO Jeff Immelt now beginning to embrace more comprehensive and appropriate approaches. Perhaps those of us intent on flogging the horse called Six Sigma should reflect... you may be doing things right but are you doing the Right Thing?


nunomaf disse…
Ó Ligurio olha que temos de avacalhar um pouco a coisa senão o blhog começa a ficar muito sério...

Eu já comecei! :P

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