
A mostrar mensagens de novembro, 2008

A British Lesson on Auto Bailouts

Ainda sobre o mesmo tema um bom exemplo do que se passou com a industria automóvel británica. O ultimo exemplo foi o que aconteceu com a Rover. This is not the story of Ford and General Motors , but British Leyland, a car company that went through £11 billion of inflation-adjusted British taxpayer money, or $16.5 billion, in the ’70s and ’80s before going out of business. All that is left of the company now are memories of cars like the Triumph, and a painful lesson in the limited effectiveness of bailouts. “It’s all too evocative,” said Leon Brittan, a top official in the government of Margaret Thatcher , the free-market-minded prime minister who nevertheless backed the rescue. “I’m not telling the U.S. what to do, but the lessons of the British experience is don’t throw good money after bad. British Leyland carried on for a few more years, but they’re not there now, are they?” Other experts are sounding the same alarm. “The British Leyland experience is a relevant and cautionary on...

Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

Este artigo que aqui se transcreve do New York Times é importante para se compreender até que ponto o governo deve ajudar ou não empresas em sérias difdiculdades. IF General Motors , Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed. Without that bailout, Detroit will need to drastically restructure itself. With it, the automakers will stay the course — the suicidal course of declining market shares, insurmountable labor and retiree burdens, technology atrophy, product inferiority and never-ending job losses. Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check. I love cars, American cars. I was born in Detroit, the son of an auto chief executive. In 1954, my dad, George Romney, was tapped to run American Motors when its president suddenly died. The company itself was on life support — banks were threatening to deal it a death blow. The stock ...

Crise Financeira

Para quem pretender entender de forma simples e clara o que esteve por detrás da actual crise financeira clique no link abaixo. O video está em Espanhol, mas é de uma clareza assustadora e vale mais do que todos os artigos de opinião que se possa ler sobre o assunto.

Seria Eça um visionário?

Estou em crer que quando me foi feito o convite para participar deste blog, nada mais se esperava que não fosse a minha capacidade para analisar as facetas mais "ligeiras" da nossa sociedade. Isto tentando sempre ser o mais descomprometido, irónico e engraçado possível. Não obstante nada me impede de, de vez em quando, optar por um discurso mais solene, enveredando nas minhas fugazes contribuições, pela análise de assuntos de índole mais intelectual e porventura de um maior grau de inteligibilidade. Só neste modelo de discurso me poderei fazer entender junto de uma classe especial de profissionais existente no nosso país. A estes rogo o meu perdão por almejar fazer-me entender junto de tão elevado grupo de intelectuais desportivos. Como me falham as palavras e o título do "post" o indica, por minha iniciativa deixo a um Carlos uma adaptação livre de Eça. "Quando entrou no quarto foi ver-se ao espelho, enternecido de sentir-se tão bom - e vinham-lhe ao mesmo tem...

Momento da verdade

O recente post criou muito desagrado ao Guru Steve Towers. vejam as mensagens de apoio ao post que aqui foi reproduzido no BP Group do Linked In. Johan Telen told: Hi folks, good exchange! Here are my thought: I intend to agree with Alberto here. We've seen dramatic improvements in some transactional core process we focus on (in drug development area) and yes the thing everyone recognizes are the detailed flow charts. And yes they do have value, without them it would not have happened. But an even bigger contributor to that success was the relentless chasing and follow up of people; making sure they understood each other, all knew what was ment by that flow chart and what it ment for them. In my experience it therefore boils down to the fact that for real break through sustained results you need all of the above: proces management, project management, change management and improvement tools which depending the case are six sigma, lean, design for x, or more likely a combination o...

Lean e Six Sigma

Steve Towers um guru da gestão dos processos publicou há uns tempos um artigo muito mal estruturado onde descrevia que o Lean e o Six Sigma conduzia à falencia das empresas. Esse artigo pode ser acedido aqui Mais tarde continuou a insistir na ideia e no grupo de discussão BP Group no o seu associado John Corr publicou o seguinte post: Does Lean Six Sigma for Services work any more? I thought I’d start this debate with a quote from Michael George, the originator of Lean Six Sigma for Services. If he doesn’t know this topic, then who possibly could? In Michael’s recent book ‘Conquering Complexity in Your Business’ he writes "we often found that clients who restricted their efforts to improvement approaches such as Lean and/ or Six Sigma would hit a ceiling on profit generation, though process was significant, there was only so much they could accomplish through process improvement." Now many ...

Alan Greenspan

Um livro essencial para verdadeiramente se compreender o que está por detrás das crises financeiras.